
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Launch behaviourism Essay

Ivan P.Pavlov was the first initiator of behaviourism as he formed the basis and groundwork of behaviourism. Pavlov was a Russian scientist who was particularly interested in conditioned reflexes which led him to his infamous experiment of dogs and their salivary glands. In Pavlov’s experiment he found that a dog’s behaviour can be conditioned. Firstly when the dog was given food it would salivate, then the next time the dog received food a bell would be rung. This continued until the dog would salivate by the mere sound of a bell. This experiment provided the basis for Pavlov’s idea that behaviour and responses could be conditioned (Tennant, 1997) John B. Watson drew from Pavlov’s ideas and was the man to launch behaviourism. Watson was a psychologist from the United States. His infamous experiment was on a human baby code named Albert B. When Albert was exposed to a rat he showed no sign of fear but then a loud banging when there was a presence of a rat, which made Albert cry. Therefore every time Albert saw a rat he would associate it with his past experience and immediately cry whether there was a banging or not (Tennant, 1997) B.F Skinner was a major contributor to the school of behaviourism and believed that behaviour is maintained and produced by its consequences. Skinner believed that rewards and positive reinforcers have a greater affect on behaviour. He demonstrated this through his famed ‘Skinner Box’ where animals were placed inside a box and were given an option of levers which they could press, one gave them food, the other an electric shock or similar. The animals soon learned which lever not to press and this demonstrated Skinner’s theory of learned behaviour (Van Iersal and others, 2005) Behaviourism is not the stimulation in psychological science as it once was. Psychologists and much of the public prefer more cognitive explanations of human behaviour. Thus the application of behaviour analysis is still active and successful in fields such as child development, education and drug abuse but is not reliable, as technology and scientific advances have proved otherwise to the denial of internal processes. Behaviourism is very much about nurture when it comes to the nature vs. nurture debate as it focuses on external stimuli affecting behaviour. Where behaviourism applied behaviour can be controlled, as action and external operations are controllable. Behaviourism can only explain a small part of human behaviour but it can no fully describe it. (Kazdin, 2000). To explain human behaviour an updated perspective is needed and not one convention is 100% right. The best approach is to take a little from each (McIerney 1998). Behaviourism was extremely influential in the early 20th century as it was the most up to date information available. Since scientific advances in brain chemistry and thought processes behaviourism has become outdated. Pavlov, Watson and Skinner had major impacts on not only behaviourism but also to psychology. Their techniques can still be applied today. Although behaviourism can explain a bit about behaviour it is far too narrow as it does not encompass or consider mental working of a human and brain functions which is a very important role in behaviour. Even though it is outdated behaviourism is still an interesting convention of psychology and can still be useful in explaining behaviour and treating behaviour problems. Bibliography: ‘The Behavioural Approach’ : Class Handout  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Behaviourism,† Microsoft(r) Encarta(r) Online Encyclopaedia 2005

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Preventing Workplace Discrimination

a. People with disabilities or drug abuse problems can be accommodated in several ways. It is especially important to accommodate those with disabilities. The physical workplace setup can for example be arranged in such a way to be more accessible to the blind or wheelchair bound. Those with hearing disabilities can be accommodated by providing interpreters during meetings or interactions with the rest of the workplace staff. In terms of drug abuse, programs and workshops focusing on the problem, its consequences and its management can be offered. If not voluntary, such persons can be forced to attend under threat of losing their jobs. b. Personality, attitude toward work, and future upward mobility are very important considerations for hiring future employees. In terms of the first, it is important to consider whether the employee will be better suitable for teamwork or individual tasks, for example. The personality in this case will determine which requirements the employee will be best suited for, and must be aligned with the requirements of the job being applied for. Attitude towards work is probably the most important consideration. An employee with a positive attitude is much more valuable and more likely to succeed in any job situation than one with a negative attitude. Upward mobility is a consideration that will carry particular weight according to the nature of the job being applied for. An employee that is upwardly mobile will probably be more motivated to perform well than one who is not. c. I believe that Title VII can and will override the employment environment and conditions in a written employment contract. The reason for this is that an employee signing a contract may be unaware of the current legislation regarding such conditions. An employee's willingness to work under certain conditions does not change the law regarding these conditions. It is the job of the employer to educate him- or herself regarding the newest legislation, and complying with this. Non-compliance can result in legal problems and a negative public image for the company.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Human Sexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Human Sexuality - Essay Example This also becomes highly pertinent for the simple fact that non-monogamy, especially in the forms of divorce and other forms of separation, adultery and marital infidelity, has already been a part and parcel of the daily social existence (Emmens 2003). Hence this leads us to the subtle differentiations between various conceptual categories that are critical in the constitution of our sexual desires and preferences. The constructionist approach towards human sexuality and sexual preferences have already shattered the essentialists’ and conservatives’ arguments on the ground that sexual subjectivity, including identity and sexual orientations and desires, are inherently offshoots of the larger social and cultural environment (Ritchie and Barker 2006, 585). It is in this context that a postmodern challenge against the hegemony of heterosexual monogamy has emerged from an albeit new form of â€Å"partner arrangements that vary as to the number of people involved, the sexes of those involved, the sexualities of those involved, the level of commitment of those involved, and the kinds of relationships pursued† known as polyamory (Strassberg 2003, 440). A form of non-monogamy polyamory stresses upon â€Å"people’s capacity to share and multiply their love in honest and consensual ways† (Anderlini-D’Onofrio, 2004 as quoted in Ritchie and Barker 2006) as opposed to the rigid ethical, moral restraints associated with monogamy. The emergence of polyamory as a conceptual category seeking to subvert the prevalent beliefs regarding sexual desire and practice has significantly contributed to the ongoing debate around, especially, polygamy and other non-monogamous unions. ... The emergence of polyamory as a conceptual category seeking to subvert the prevalent beliefs regarding sexual desire and practice has significantly contributed to the ongoing debate around, especially, polygamy and other non-monogamous unions. In fact defining the various forms of non-monogamous and other forms of sexual practices, as neatly articulated in the Lawrence case at the Supreme Court (See Emens 2003 and Ashbee 2007 for a detailed analysis of this case), like bigamy, polygamy, incest, obscenity, masturbation and so on as logical extensions of enterprises to legalize same-sex marriage invites us to revisit those categories, including monogamy and the postmodern polyamory. Despite the different factors that co-exist with monogamy and that have already invalidated the very base of monogamy, the institution of monogamy still looms large â€Å"in this nation’s social landscape† (Emens 2003, 8). In the western culture it still continues to be a fact that that life-l ong or serial monogamy with one (everlasting) partner is the dominant model of relationships available. It exerts its hegemony through various apparatuses that are basically concerned with mainstream, statist ideologies. Depictions and valorizations of monogamous couples, fidelities and other romantic associations still fill the media discussions and other forms of cultural representations. This compulsory notion of monogamy not only renders all other forms of non-monogamy invalid and invisible but also labels alternative desires and relationships as completely unethical, amoral and pathological (Ritchie and Barker 2006). The representations of monogamy have indeed served to further normativise its existence and other forms of marital unions essentially fall outside of this

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Strategic Information System Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Strategic Information System - Research Paper Example However, a good number of organizations continue to face great challenges in their attempts to integrate information technologies and in their efforts to improve on decision making and sharing of information. These challenges can be attributed to the fact that in the event of the design and implementation of the system, most companies lay more emphasis on the role and function of information system and less attention to the company’s structure and processes of the firm. It is worth noting that a greater percentage of information system failures arise not because of technology but because less concentration is paid on organizational aspects such as practises and processes. This paper seeks to review information theories and their significant role in understanding information systems in management of organisations. It will further seek a deeper understanding of laws governing information systems with particular attention to enforcement and use of the information systems in the U nited Kingdom. Finally, a reassessment on information system control will be conducted. To undertake this study, it is important to review various information theories. ... ciples and practices of a management in the daily activities of a business firm with a desire and passion to achieve set goals and with a mission to minimize expenses while maximizing returns and make huge returns for the company. â€Å"Business management theory entails the use of resources such as human labour financial technology and natural resources† (Hunter 2009). It is important to note that proper allocation of resources is vital in order to achieve utmost productivity for the business. Business management theory involves the analysis and evaluation of the business activities by the managerial authority with an objective of making an effective decision that will help contribute to the progress of the business. Decision making involves scheduling, organizing, setting course and controlling. The skills play a major role in the development and progress of a business. All these skills helps in the management and formulating new strategies that helps to achieve better goals together in addition to evaluation of performance to a set objective and supervision and control of resources such as workers in order to accomplish the business aim. Socio-technical systems theory â€Å"Social-technical systems theory views an organization as having a duty to perform a task whose objectives can best be achieved if the social, fiscal and technical aspects are mutually optimized† (porter 1998). Under this approach seven concepts are linked. Organizations should be viewed as co-dependent socio-technical structure. The theory utilizes interactive technical and social aspects; this implies that in drafting the structure of an organization both the technical and social aspects must be put into consideration. It is vital to note that where technology alone is put under consideration

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

New extraction technologies RAKAN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

New extraction technologies RAKAN - Essay Example The US has a guarded natural gas and oil pipeline which is obtained through Afghanistan from Central Asia. It is believed that the war in Afghanistan is a key prospect for the realization of this pipeline. Moreover, of the total energy used in the U.S, the residential and commercial buildings consume up to 41%. While of the total electricity energy usage they account for 72%. The energy codes adopted now could have a cumulative potential of saving energy for post 2013- 2014 at around 42.6 quads. Also established is DSIRE which is a program that provides incentives as well as policies which support renewable energy and efficiency in energy consumption (Blass, Vered, et al. 34). Various options exist that would enable growth of healthy economy with a clean environment. They may include: formulating policy approaches as well as programs that provide incentives for energy efficient technologies and renewable energy options; efficient utilization of renewable energy to avoid over use and reduce their scarcity; adopt production methods that ensure maximum utilization of products through out there life cycle through a life cycle assessment; reduce waste generation; adopt recycling and reuse to minimize waste; adopt green economy (Yi

Monday, August 26, 2019

International Terrorism (Answer the questions) Scholarship Essay

International Terrorism (Answer the questions) - Scholarship Essay Example 4. Explain each of Samuel Huntington's 8 cultural paradigms. What does this model for culture and civilization around the world have to do with terrorism What are the implications for law enforcement if terrorism has deeper roots-namely, rooted in a clash of civilizations Also, what are the implications for American foreign policy efforts to thwart terrorism 5. Describe anarchist and socialist movements of the 19th Century. Which activists within those movements were most pivotal in giving us terrorism as we know it today Also, in your own opinion, how should modern America deal with fomenters of political violence when they do so while in exile through writing and speaking Should America "go after" such people given the observation from history that other exiled thinkers/revolutionaries have had great influence with violent and long-standing consequences Terrorism comes from the Latin word for "terror" or "fear", but an objective and universally accepted definition of the word is difficult up to the present moment for the simple reason that what may be seen as frightening or terrifying by the victims of terrorist acts may be seen, from the side of the terrorists and those who support them, as acts of daring, courage, and heroism. This issue of three different perceptions of an act - the terrorist, the victim, and the public - that leads to different understandings and definitions of the act is part of our common experience (Schmid, 1997). For example, a triathlete may see his/her punishing dietary and exercise regimens as forms of discipline to attain success and glory, but a non-triathlete would simply view it as pointless vain masochism. Definitions range from the simple: "the use or threatened use of force designed to bring about political change" (Jenkins, 1985); to the concise: "policy intended to strike with terror those against whom it is adopted; the employment of methods of intimidation" (OED, 2002); and the complex: as in the Patriot Act definition (U.S. Congress, 2001, Sec. 808). The most balanced among the wide range of definitions is proposed by the FBI (1999): "Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives." The FBI definition includes the key elements that characterize terrorist acts (Schmid, 1983): (1) use of unlawful violence or force, (2) a political aim, and (3) the main targets are civilians. The point against all other definitions is that these are too specific and contain too many details that clutter understanding (how violent acts are carried out, which systems are used, motives and intentions of perpetrators, etc.). It is unavoidable that in any society, some have grievances they want addressed by observing due processes to preserve social order. The terrorist disrespects the process and performs acts to intimidate society and the ruling power, thinking that the end justifies the means. This mentality is rooted in Machiavelli (1997) and, based on centuries of experience, leads to more intimidation, oppression, less freedom, and more violent

Sunday, August 25, 2019

International trade has many potential benefits for participating Essay - 1

International trade has many potential benefits for participating countries, yet government regularly impose barriers to trade. By using real-life examples, dis - Essay Example Besides offering cost reduction advantages, there are also other benefits of the international trade including the opening up of the economy to evolve technologically. However, despite these perceived benefits, many governments do not allow the free access to the international trade and impose various trade related barriers to curb the international trade. There are various reasons and ways through which governments put bars on the international trade. This essay will look into the reasons behind why the governments do this and how they do this however before discussing this, I will be discussing about what international trade is and what benefits it provides to the countries that engage into the international trade with each other. International trade is a field of economics that applies microeconomic models to help understand the international economy. (Suranovic, 2004). The tools included for analysis in this field of economics include demand and supply analysis, consumer behavior, market structures as well as the impacts of market distortions. The basic assumption behind the international trade is comparative advantage. Comparative advantage exists when a country has superiority over another country in terms of producing goods or services. Comparative advantage is achieved when the opportunity cost of producing that good or service is low. Historical account of international trade would suggest that the theory of comparative advantage in the international trade was developed by David Ricardo more than two hundred years ago. This basic theory of David Ricardo however further modified and refined by Heckscher, Ohlin and Samuelsson. All these economists argued that all the countries different factor endowments of labor, land and capital inputs. Countries will specialize in and export those products which use intensively the factors of production which they are most endowed. Based on the comparative advantage of the international

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Personal Property for Person Suffering from Alzheimers Disease Assignment

Personal Property for Person Suffering from Alzheimers Disease - Assignment Example The appellee used the parking garage for purposes of parking his automobile since the public was invited to use it. The parking garage in which the appellee parked his car was owned by the appellant, and before parking his automobile, the appellee received a receipt to allow for the same. The nature of the relationship between the appellee and the appellant, therefore, qualifies for express bailment. The express bailment, in this case, is written as is proven by the receipt, a written confirmation. The bailment at will would depend on the amount of time that the bailor, Mr Allen, would need to use the parking garage, and would be terminated once he submitted the receipt to the attendant at the single exit of the parking garage. The bailee would act as a warehouse because there would be a compensation for the period of time used to store the automobile.The bailment, in this case, was for the mutual benefit of both the bailor who is the appellee in this case and the bailee who is the a ppellant (Twomey and Jennings). While the bailor would have his automobile parked in a safe environment, the bailee would receive a payment that is in relation to the amount of the time that the parking garage was used. When bailment is for the mutual benefit of both bailor and bailee, the bailee is liable to the bailor for ordinary negligence, and the bailee bears the duty of ordinary care to his property (Twomey and Jennings).Though the appellee and the appellant have a bailor-bailee kind of relationship, there is no liability to be borne by the bailee. Any liability that would have been shouldered by the appellant was disqualified by the receipt purchased by the appellee. The ticket bore clear instructions that it only served the purpose of gauging the time an automobile has been in the parking garage and not for identification of the vehicle. Though there was an attendant present at the exit of the parking garage, the attendant had no means of identifying whether persons left wi th the right cars. The ticket also made it clear that the appellant would not be held responsible for losses incurred by theft,  collision or otherwise; and that automobiles were parked at owner’s risk.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Face to face presentation on adult learning theory and research Paper

Face to face presentation on adult learning theory and - Research Paper Example Another problem that was evaluated from the response of the audience was relating to the provided handout, which did provide sufficient description of the presentation (Duarte, 2008; Levin, 2006). The main concern of the current presentation is to improve knowledge and understandings is with respect to adult learning theory and research. The main issue that is associated with the presentation includes the structure of the overall presentation. Furthermore, questions are likely to arise due to the communication problem between the audience and the presenter (Abela, 2008). The current presentation has few defects thus, it is essential to make further plans to enhance the outcome of online presentation. The modification of online planning with respect to interest of the audience is considerably decisive. The online presentation should be short and easily understandable. In addition to this, the structure of presentation should be designed in a proper manner in order to gain audiences’ attention (Attrill, 2015; Reynolds,

Artemis Sports Wear Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Artemis Sports Wear - Case Study Example Basically outsourcing means that products and operations are conducted to outside vendors that have expertise in a particular area. The aim may be to reduce costs by saving on personnel benefits, reduce personnel, or to be able to reassign employees to other tasks that are more important. It enables firms to focus on its core competencies and let outside firms do what these firms can do best. Outsourcing has become cost cutting approach to several firms yet it sometimes does not meet its expectations. Consultants often promise 20-40% savings but the average savings are about 9% (Byrne, 1996). Companies like Apple computer Inc. has outsourced its system and network engineering, telecommunications and help-desk services to Canadian firm. GM, Chrysler, Proctor & Gamble and lots of companies are outsourcing their operational processes to Latin America, china, India and other emerging nations. ASW is thinking of long-term growth and augment value to shareholders. So it has to develop long -term relationship to its service providers who are now present globally. By outsourcing IT services of Global service provider results in cutting cost considerably. To outsource the billing system and communication system ASW has to include it within IT services because both the operations are predominantly information orientation and easier to be included in the initial phase. This step considerably cut cost of operations for ASW. Basically billing is a tedious job and needs more and more information exchange between company and customers and one has to track the information, which ultimately need more and more people. After outsourcing the whole process ASW could concentrate on other operations and surplus employees could be retrained and redeployed to other productive activities. ASW also needs to outsource its production process to global service providers from the emerging economies where the skilled labour force is predominantly cheaper. Cheaper labour force cut the cost cons iderably. ASW has proposed to outsource its other activities like customer services and HR activities in near future. Though outsourcing of HR activities affect employees considerably and cut the workforce by 54% and it has the potential for employee resentment and affect productivity as well as motivation adversely. That's why ASW proposed to outsource it in the last. Apart from outsourcing the different operations, ASW has to study different various methods to improve productivity like Value engineering, Total Quality Management (Puffer and McCarthy, 1996), and lean manufacturing (Womack, Jones and Roos, 1990). There is a downside to outsourcing. A company may be locked into a contract and may become too dependent on contractors. Where the unions are strong in sourcing could take place as in several organizations like VW (Volkswagen) and General Motors. So before moving to outsource the operational processes, ASW has to analyze the whole situation and should take a holistic view. It should not follow the trend blindly. ASW has the main aim to cut the cost and provide best to their customers and value to shareholders not at the employee expense. So it must analyze the whole situation and outsource its operational processes carefully, systematically and wisely. References: 1. Byrne, A. John (1996) "Has outsourcing gone to fat" Business

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Statement of Purpose Essay Example for Free

Statement of Purpose Essay This was the lesson I learnt from my father, an unceasing learner and a person who would never give up no matter how many and how difficult the obstacles may be. Having understood from him that success is a moving target, the years of my life with my family have inculcated in me a desire to achieve perfection. I propose to read myself starting from childhood to school days to college days to the vestibule of my career. In a few months’ time, I will be completing my B. Pharm prestigious University namely Acharya Nagarjuna University, A.P, India. I am now in the next stage of building my career. I am aware of the influence that the decision will have on my life and I find that I have no hesitation in progressing along a path I had been planning over the last four years. It is my firm conviction that, that one should apply one’s creativity and talent to contribute something original in science and technology. This calls for a specialization in the field of one’s interest. It is in this respect that, I feel undergraduate education is lacking in depth. A graduate education at a reputed university would be invaluable in honing my skills and knowledge, which are very vital for shaping my career. After a careful consideration of my academic background, abilities and career goals, I have decided to pursue my graduate studies in the field of Chemistry. While my graduate study has helped me develop an insight into my intended area of specialization and the ability to relate developments in fundamental concepts to analytical chemistry, it still cannot support my desire for research and design. I therefore strongly believe that a detailed research chemistry from your university will be a step forward in achieving my objective of launching a career in research and designing. My final year project â€Å"Anti-diabetic activity of Passiflora edulis†, was an attempt to identify various chemical constituents present in Passiflora fruit and establishing their activities. The project done offered great insight into Chemistry of Natural Products, Chemical tests and Pharmacological principles. Team spirit and leadership traits were brought to the fore and honed. I was admitted under the merit seat category into Chalapathi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences College. During my undergraduate studies at CIPS , I learnt subjects like Organic Chemistry ,Inorganic Chemistry,Medicinal Chemistry,Chemistry of natural Products, Physical Pharmacy,Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology,Pharmaceutical analysis subjects as a part of my course curriculum. I have a strong desire to learn whatever I can, and self-reliance to face challenges put forth. A master’s degree from your university will be a deciding factor in shaping my future. I’m confident that the technical knowledge that I gain in the United States of America will help me in playing a constructive role in the progress of mankind. Through the brochure, my friends and also by browsing the web, I came to know that WVU is one of the leading and prestigious institutions for research and the curriculum matches my study objectives. It would be an invaluable opportunity for me to work with the renowned faculty at WVU for my graduate study. I assure you that if I am admitted, I shall strive to contribute significantly to live up to your expectations. I hope that my credentials and background rise up to the standards expected and look forward to pursue my graduate studies there. I request you to consider me for admission with full financial assistance to the Department of Chemistry..

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Role of Multi-Detector CT in Paranasal Sinuses

Role of Multi-Detector CT in Paranasal Sinuses SUMMARY OF THESIS Name of speciality : Radio-diagnosis Name of System : Head and Neck Title of Thesis and : Role of Multi-Detector Computed Tomography in Paranasal Sinuses  Pathology, 2015. Lakshmi Kumar Chalamarla Name of Supervisor : Dr. Kavita Kapoor, Consultant Imaging, Batra Hospital and  Medical Research Centre, New Delhi. Hospital/Institute : Batra Hospital and Medical Research  Centre, New Delhi-110062. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To characterize pathologies of paranasal sinuses on MDCT and to delineate their anatomical location, extension and bony involvement. To correlate the multi detector computed tomography findings with clinical/surgical/histopathological/ microbiological findings. MATERIAL AND METHODS STUDY AREA: The study was conducted at the Department of Radio-diagnosis and Imaging in collaboration with the Department of ENT, Department of Pathology, and Department of Microbiology, Batra Hospital and Medical Research Centre. Other departments are collaborated for acquiring cases, and follow up of patients to correlate clinically or histopathologically or microbiologically. STUDY POPULATION: 100 patients were included in our study mostly urban population. Patients belonged to both OPD and IPD cases. The study comprised of 65 males and 35 females. The number of male patients were higher than the female patients. There were 15 patients in 0 20 years age group, 36 patients in 21 40 years age group, 37 in 41 60 years age group and 12 were greater than 60 years. The age group of patients ranged from minimum of 9 months to maximum of 81 years. The highest number of patients were in 41 60 years age group. SAMPLE SIZE: 100 patients referred for evaluation of sinus complaints were enrolled in the study after fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria and taking written/verbal informed consent from July 2013 to April 2015. INCLUSION CRITERIA: Patients with complaints like headache/nasal obstruction/discharge/hyposmia /swelling over cheek and with clinically suspected paranasal sinuses lesions referred for MDCT PNS evaluation. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: Acute sinonasal inflammatory disease. Previous evidence of sinonasal surgery. All cases of trauma. SAMPLE SIZE CALCULATION: (Ref.: Methods in biostatistics, Dr. B. K. Mahajan, 7th edition, pg. 85) For calculation of sample size Mahajans allowable error formula was applied. N = 4pq/e2 Where p = % of population = Target population/Total populationÃâ€"100 q = 1-p e = 20% of p As per CT room register over last 3 years Minimum no. of MDCT PNS cases at our hospital/month = 20 Maximum no. of MDCT PNS cases coming under exclusion criteria/month = 5 So, Minimum no. of MDCT PNS cases at our hospital/year = 240 Maximum no. of cases coming under exclusion criteria/year = 60 So, p = 180/240Ãâ€"100 = 75 q = 25 e = 20% of p = 15 N = 4Ãâ€"75Ãâ€"25/152 = 33. The minimum sample size thus calculated should be 33. STUDY DESIGN: Observational study. CT PNS of the patients was evaluated for the cause of sinus complaints. Causes deduced from CT PNS were correlated with clinical/histopathological/surgical/ microbiological findings. ETHICAL ISSUES: The study was conducted after necessary approval from the Institutional review board and ethics committee. MDCT is a non-invasive modality. All safety and screening measures were undertaken as per the American College of Radiology practice guidelines for performing Computed Tomography. INSTRUMENTATION: Light VCT 64 slice MDCT of GE radical system with advanced workstation 4.3 GE. Protocol followed for MDCT PNS: 1. Scout : Lateral kV : 120 mA : 10 Scout Plane : 900 2. Axial Images kV : 120 mA : 120 Start/End : 0 to 74.3 Total Exposure Time : 5.4 sec Gantry tilt : 0 Interval : 0.625 mm Slice thickness : 0.625 mm Helical Scan Rotation Time : 0.6 sec Rotation Length : Full Pitch and Speed : 0.531:1 10.62 mm/rotation Detector Coverage : 20 mm PROFORMA Unique ID No: HISTORY: Presenting Complaints: Nasal discharge: Headache: Nasal obstruction: Epistaxis: Swelling over cheek: Hyposmia/Anosmia: Others: H/O Smoking: Occupational exposure: History of Allergy: Any other Systemic Illness: Family History: EXAMINATION: General Examination: Local Examination: Inspection: Probe test: Others: Important Surgical Findings: Investigational Results: MDCT PNS : Histopathology: Microbiological and other important lab tests: Department of Radio-diagnosis and Imaging Batra Hospital and Medical research Centre M.B.Road, New Delhi-110062. INFORMED CONSENT FORM I s/d/w of r/o do hereby declare that I give informed consent to participate in the thesis study titled, ROLE OF MULTI-DETECTOR COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY IN PARANASAL SINUSES PATHOLOGY. Dr. Lakshmi Kumar Chalamarla has informed me to my full satisfaction, in the language understand, about the purpose, nature of study and various investigations to be carried out for the study. I have been informed about the duration of the study and the possible benefits and risks. I give full, free and voluntary consent for being enrolled in the above study and reserve the right to withdraw from the study whenever I wish to without any prejudice of my right to undergo further treatment at this hospital and its associated hospitals. I have been given a copy of this form along with the patient information sheet. For illiterates patient information sheet will be shared with the family members. The family members are expected to read out and then get the informed consent. We will try to take written consent, if not we will take verbal consent in front of relatives. (Signature/Thumb (Signature/Thumb Impression of patient) Impression of relative) Name: Name: Date: Relation: Verbal Consent: Date: PATIENT INFORMATION SHEET Title: ROLE OF MULTI-DETECTOR COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY IN PARANASAL SINUSES PATHOLOGY. Introduction: This statement describes the purpose, procedures, benefits, risks and discomforts of the study and your right to withdraw from the study at any point of time. Purpose: This study involves MDCT scan evaluation of patients with paranasal sinus complaints. Study Procedure: Your relevant clinical history will be recorded, clinical examination will be conducted and findings noted. MDCT PNS will be performed and the radiological findings will be recorded. These findings are correlated with clinical/surgical/histopathological/microbiological findings. Benefits: No monetary benefits will be given to you. However, any new information that can come to light regarding any new findings in the study will help in further management of the disease and help all other ailing patients suffering from this problem. Confidentiality: Records of your study participation will be kept confidential, under safe custody. Any publication of data will not identify you by name. By signing the consent form you authorise the sharing of your study related medical records to the regulatory authorities and the Institutional Ethical Committee. Information regarding withdrawal: You have the right to withdraw yourself from the study at any time during the course of the study without any prejudice to you or your familys right to undergo future treatment at BATRA HOSPITAL. Contact for additional information: Any time during or after the study, you can obtain further information about the study from Dr. Lakshmi Kumar Chalamarla, Department of Radio-diagnosis, BHMRC, New Delhi. DATA ANALYSIS Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive values were calculated, followed by use of Fischer Exact test. Diagnostic accuracy of MDCT for different pathologies were calculated The research hypothesis and statistical methods were formed in consultation with the Biostatistician. SALIENT FINDINGS Key imaging features considered were significant anatomical variations, site of involvement, bony and soft tissue changes, invasion of surrounding structures, pathognomic features and correlation with clinical complaints/surgical/pathological/microbiological findings. The patients were divided into five categories: bacterial sinusitis, fungal sinusitis, benign tumors, malignant tumors, and others. 84 patients presented with sub acute or chronic bacterial sinusitis, 4 patients were of fungal sinusitis, 4 patients presented with benign tumors, 3 patients with malignant tumors and 5 patients with other conditions. Among 84 patients with bacterial sinusitis, 26 patients presented with sporadic pattern, 23 patients with infundibular pattern, 23 patients with ostiomeatal unit pattern, 8 patients with polyposis pattern, and 4 patients with sphenoid recess pattern. The various causative factors which came across in infundibular pattern were Haller cells in 6 cases, giant bulla ethmoidalis in 6 cases, uncinate process pneumatisation in 1 case, and mucoperiosteal thickening in 10 cases. The various causative factors for ostiomeatal pattern which were found during our study were: inferior turbinate hypertrophy in 6 cases, giant bulla ethmoidalis in 6 cases, deviated nasal septum with or without septal spur in 4 cases, concha bullosa in 3 cases, concha lamella in 2 cases, agger nasi cell in 1 case, and paradoxical middle turbinate in 1 case. The various findings which were encountered in bacterial sinusitis in our study were: mucoperiosteal thickening in 84 cases, ostiomeatal unit block in 31 patients, bone thickening in 20 patients, bone thinning in 8 cases, and bone sclerosis in 6 patients. Various anatomical variations were encountered during our study. One or the other anatomic variation was found in 99 cases ( 99% ). Of the structures around ostiomeatal unit, giant bulla ethmoidalis was found in 35 cases, middle turbinate pneumatisation in 33 cases, paradoxical curvature of middle turbinate in 19 cases. Haller cell was found in 15 cases. Type 1 frontal sinus drainage pathway in 78 cases, type 2 frontal sinus drainage pathway in 21 cases. Deviated nasal septum with or without septal spur in 55 cases, inferior turbinate hypertrophy in 30 cases, accessory maxillary ostia in 26 cases, and agger nasi cell in 93 cases. Type 1 optic nerve course was found in 53 cases, type 2 in 14 cases, type 3 in 9 cases, and type 4 optic nerve course along with Onodi cells in 23 cases. Type 1 anterior clinoid process pneumatisation was found in 10 cases, type 2 pneumatisation in 1 case. Sphenoid septum lateral attachment in 7 cases, and sphenoid sinus septum pneumatisation in 14 cases. Among 4 patients with fungal sinusitis, the various findings were: bilateral / multisinus involvement was found in 4 cases, expansion of any involved sinus was found in 4 cases, intrasinus hyperdensity was found in 4 cases. Bony thinning was found in 4 cases, bony erosions and nasal cavity involvement was found in 3 cases. The various findings in 4 cases of benign tumors seen ( 1 inverted papilloma, 1 juvenile angiofibroma and 2 ivory osteomas ) were: bony thinning in 2 cases, bony remodelling in 2 cases, multisinus involvement in 2 cases, intracranial extension in 1 case, and intra orbital extension in 1 case. Bony destruction, bone thickening/sclerosis, and calcification were not seen in any of the cases. Among 3 cases of malignant tumors, various findings were: : Bony destruction in 3 cases, bony thinning in 3 cases, bony remodelling in 0 cases, multisinus involvement in 2 cases, intracranial extension in 2 cases, and intra orbital extension in 3 cases. Bone thickening/sclerosis, and calcification were not seen in any of the cases. In our study we found sensitivity and specificity for bacterial sinusitis as 100% and 94.11% respectively. The fungal sinusitis had sensitivity an specificity of 75% and 100% respectively. Benign, malignant tumors and others had sensitivity and specificity of 100%. The diagnostic accuracy for bacterial sinusitis and fungal sinusitis was 99%, and the diagnostic accuracy of benign, malignant tumors and others was 100%. The p value was obtained after applying Fischer Exact test. The p value obtained was statistically significant for all the disease conditions. Based on the statistical values it can be inferred that multi detector computed tomography is useful to characterize paranasal sinuses lesions with respect to anatomical delineation, extension and bony involvement. There are certain limitations in our study. Our findings cannot be generalised to the whole population because of the limited sample size. However, our findings add value to the research done. The role of contrast cannot be adequately studied. The role of MRI in various paranasal sinus pathologies was not evaluated. CONCLUSIONS Paranasal sinus diseases are very commonly encountered problems in clinical practice. Clinical assessment alone is not sufficient to reach a diagnosis, as the presentation of most of the conditions is nonspecific. Imaging forms the mainstay not only in making correct diagnosis, but also to know the extent of lesion, pre-operative assessment of the sinonasal anatomy and commonly encountered anatomic variations. X ray has low sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values. CT is highly sensitive and specific in determining the presence of paranasal sinus pathology and clearly demonstrates the complex anatomy. The introduction of multi detector CT has transformed the axial imaging modality into a volumetric one and allows the pathology to be displayed in any desired plane. The capability of thin-section acquisition improves visualisation of tiny pathological details, and the isotropic nature of high spatial resolution data sets enables display in multiple planes, obvi ating image acquisition in prone or hyper extended patient position. RECOMMENDATIONS MDCT has proved to be highly sensitive in classifying the lesions into clinically relevant categories, making diagnosis and more so in knowing the extent of involvement with a high diagnostic accuracy. MDCT is an indispensible tool before Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) to accurately delineate the fine bony details that contribute to disease and also can predispose to complications which can be fatal. MDCT is very useful in predicting the diagnosis of fungal sinusitis by the presence of intrasinus hyperdensity, granulomatous diseases by the presence of nasal septal perforation and intracranial or intraorbital invasion, malignancy by bone destruction and invasion. MDCT can tailor the surgery according to the extent of disease. It helps in determining the prognosis of the malignant tumors depending on the site and extent of the disease. It can also obviate the need for surgery in certain conditions like polyposis. MRI can be problem solving tool in differentiating inflammatory sinonasal diseases from tumors, and also for the presence of intracranial or intraorbital extension. However, MRI alone cannot be performed in the evaluation of paranasal sinus diseases because of the problem of signal voids. It has to be supplemented by CT. MDCT is the preferred modality of all imaging studies available because of its ease, availability, accuracy, precision and low cost.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Analysis Of RSA Algorithm Communications Essay

Analysis Of RSA Algorithm Communications Essay To protect and hide data from malicious attacker and irrelevant public is the fundamental necessity of a security system. So for this reason for hiding data many cryptographic primitives like symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, digital signatures, hash functions etc. The symmetric cryptography consists of same key for encrypting and also for decrypting the data. Where as asymmetric cryptography takes advantage of a pair of keys to encrypt and decrypt the message. These keys are public key and a private key. The key which is distributed to other and which is publicly known is known as a public key and the key which is kept secret is known as private key. These two keys are needed simultaneously both for encrypting and decrypting the data. Public key will encrypt the data where as private key is used to decrypt the data. Asymmetric cryptographic should satisfy following properties. They are: Key generation process must be computationally efficient. By using the public key of the receiver the sender must be able to process the cipher text for any given message. By using the private key the decryption of cipher text into plain text should be done by the receiver. It will be impossible to compute like encrypt or decrypt the data without either of the key. RSA was designed by Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Len Adleman. It is an asymmetric cryptographic technology. As in asymmetric cryptographic encryption the public key is known by everyone where as the private key is kept undisclosed. For decryption of data which is encrypted with the public key, private key must only be used. Integers between 0 to n-1 where n is the modulus are taken as cipher and plain text. This n is generally 1024 bits. But the suggested length of n is 2048 bits instead of 1024 bits because it is no longer secure. Algorithm of Key generation: The following steps describe how a set of keys are generated. Two different prime numbers are selected which are not equal. Say p and q. this numbers are of same bit length. Determine modulus n where n=p.q Process or calculate à Ã¢â‚¬  (pq) =(pà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢1)(qà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢1). Here à Ã¢â‚¬   is totient. Select an integer which is public exponent e, such that 1 Calculate d. This can be calculated by using modular arithmetic. This should satisfy de=1. Now this ed-1 should be evenly divided by (p-1)(q-1) . Here (n,e) is the public key which is used for encryption and (n,d) is a private key which is used for decryption. Encryption: The following steps describe the how encryption is done in RSA algorithm. It is illustrated with an example where in two imaginary characters are described Alice and Bob. As we know that public key is (n,e) this is transmitted by Alice to Bob by keeping her private key secret. A message say M is wished by Bob to send to Alice. Before sending the message M it is converted into an integer 0 Get the public key which is (n,e) Plain text integer is represented by m. Calculate cipher text as shown c=me Cipher text c is send to the receiver. Decryption: Now when Alice receives the message sent by Bob, she regains the original message m from cipher text c by utilizing her private key exponent d. this can be done by cd=m (mod n). Now she can recover M once she regains m by using Padding scheme. This is shown as cd = (me)d = med (mod n). Since , med = m1+kq(n) =m(mq(n))k =m (mod n) . By this we get the original message back. This can be shown in following steps. Private key (n,d) is used by receiver to calculate m=cd mod n. The plaintext m is extracted. Computational issues of RSA: Selection of the two prime numbers p q: In the very first step p is selected from a set of random number. After this it is ensured that p is odd by setting its highest and lowest bit. Finally p is made prime by applying a Miller Rabin algorithm. Choosing the value of e: By choosing a prime number for e, the mathematical equation can be satisfied. That is gcd(e,p-1) = q. Among these three numbers which are 3, 17 and 65537 e is chosen for fast modular exponentiation. Calculating the value d: It is determined by Extended Euclidean Algorithm which is equivalent to d = e-1 (mod q(n)). Modular exponentiation algorithm: This step of RSA is calculated by following mathematical equation: AB mod n = ( Security of RSA: RSA cryptosystems security system is not so perfect. Many attacks are present like Brute Force attack, Timing Attack, chosen Ciphertext attack and Mathematical attack are some prominent attack. Brute Force Attack: In this attack the attacker finds all possible way of combinations to break the private key. If the length of the key is long then it will be difficult for Brute force attackers to break the key as the possible combinations will exponentially increases rather then linearly. RSA uses a short secret key to avoid the long computations for encrypting and decrypting the data. If the key is long the process will become little slow because of these computations. Since RSA uses a short secret key Bute Force attack can easily break the key and hence make the system insecure. Mathematical Attacks: Since RSA algorithm is mathematical, the most prominent attack against RSA is Mathematical Attack. In the following way an attacker can attack the mathematical properties of RSA algorithm. * By finding out the values of p and q which are prime factors of modulus n, the à Ã¢â‚¬  (n)= (p-1)(q-1) can be found out. By finding out this it will be easy to find d = e-1(mod à Ã¢â‚¬   (n)). d = e-1(mod à Ã¢â‚¬   (n)). Can be directly calculated by determining the value of totient à Ã¢â‚¬  (n) without figuring the values of p and q. d can be figured out directly without first calculating the à Ã¢â‚¬  (n). This attack can be circumvented by using long length of key. By doing this it would be difficult to find out prime factors. That is the reason why it was recommended to use size of modulus as 2048 bits. Timing Attack: one of the side channel attack is timing attack in which attackers calculate the time variation for implementation. Attackers can easily determine d by calculating the time variations that take place for computation of Cd (mod n) for a given cipher text C. Many countermeasures are developed against such timing attacks. Following explains the way which this attack can be counteracted: If the time for all computations is made constant this attack can be counteracted but the problem in doing this is it can degrade the computational efficiency. By artificially showing noise to the attacker which can be produced by including a random delay to the exponentiation algorithm. This noise is virtual but appears real to the attacker. If we multiply a random number to the cipher text it will prevent the attacker from bit by bit scrutiny. Chosen Ciphertext Attack: RSA is susceptible to chosen cipher text attack due to mathematical property me1me2 = (m1m2)e (mod n) product of two plain text which is resultant of product of two cipher text. For example c = me (mod n) which is cipher text is decrypted in following steps: Calculate x = (c x 2e) mod n. Receive y = xd (mod n) by submitting x as a chosen cipher text. Multiplicative property is then applied which is: x = (c mod n) x (2c mod n) = (mc mod n ) x (2c mod n) = (2m)c mod n. By this attacker can calculate m by using y = (2m). By padding the plain text at the implementation level this restraint can be easily solved. Several versions of RSA cryptography standard are been implemented. PKCS Public Key Cryptography standards are latest version. The previous version was proven to be porn to Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext attack (CCA2). This adaptive chosen cipher text can be prevented by latest version which is Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP). Bellare and Rogway introduced this OAEP. To process the plain text before encryption the OAEP uses a pair of casual oracles G and H which is Feistel network. Following two goals are satisfied by OAEP. OAEP PADDING PROCEDURE Due to addition of random numbers the probabilistic scheme are being replaced instead of the deterministic encryption scheme. If the attacker is unable to invert the trapdoor one way permutation then the partial decryption of the cipher text is prevented.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Death: Flowers and Bomb Shells :: essays research papers

Death is something that every person will have to deal with at some point in his or her life. The poems "Dulce et Decorum Est" and "Nothing Gold Can Stay" both deal with the concept of death, but in very different ways. They provide views of what death can be like from opposite ends of the proverbial spectrum. Death can be a very hard thing to experience, and the emotions that it evokes can be difficult to express as well. These two poems both express a feeling of loss through death, but the tones perceived by the reader in each are completely unalike. The setting of "Dulce et Decorum Est" is a battlefield during wartime, and tells of the main characters, the soldiers, fighting for their lives. The author, Wilfred Owen, was a soldier himself, who died in the war, which is one reason that this poem has such a personal tone about it. It relates directly to human experience. The reader cannot help but wonder if Owen experienced the horrors that he recounts in this poem. Owen also uses many personal pronouns, like "you" and "I" repeatedly as if to remind the reader war is a real thing and that they could easily be in the same situation. Line twenty-one reads, "If you could hear, at every jolt" followed by line twenty-five, "My friend, you would not tell with such high zest". The use of the word "you" and even "my friend" makes both of these lines very personal, as if Owen is speaking directly to the reader. "Nothing Gold Can Stay" also has a personal sense to it, but the author of this poem, Robert Frost, does not try to make the same connection with his readers. Allegory is put to use in this poem with the case of nature. Instead of using personal pronouns to draw the reader into the story as Owen does, Frost uses them to personify nature, always referring to it as "her". The opening lines of the poem say, "Nature's first green is gold / Her hardest hue to hold". This is a common occurrence in writing, especially when dealing with nature. By personifying nature as a woman, rather than just an object, the reader is able to connect more with that character. This is because it is easier for humans to relate to another person than it is for them to relate to an object, even if only on paper.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Communication Aspect of technology :: essays papers

Communication Aspect of technology Communication is a big barrier that comes between teachers and students with special needs. In a survey done it was shown that in North America 2.5% to 6% of all students in special education classrooms due to severe communication impairments cannot be understood by their teachers or peers. Many of these students also had disabilities decreasing their ability to write. This is a problem not only academically, but socially as well. Students need to be able to communicate with teachers and peers in order to interact, and solve problems. Communication is very important in our world. Without some form of communication, we would not be able to accomplish many goals. We would also have a decreased amount of social skills and development. It is very important for students with special needs to have devices to communicate because some students cannot communicate otherwise. It is important for students to have a strong bond with those around them because of the dependency of some for e veryday things. Students also need to be able to communicate with other students whether they have disabilities also or not because of the lack of self-esteem without a broad social arena. Some devices used to communicate are very simple everyday objects that are used at home now that could be incorporated into a classroom if made available. One device is simply computer instant messaging for those with hearing loss. They are able to communicate through writing, and receiving messages from others. This could be used in a classroom with hard of hearing children where a general message is displayed on they screen for all children from the teacher. The children could then each respond to the message. Another way is through the computer-activated speakers where the student would type what they want to say, and the computer says it. All of these devices are good for use in classrooms. Communication is the key to success, and without it, it is very hard to achieve goals. Academic Aspect of Technology Many students have a difficult time academically because of disabilities. This can be they can solve some of these problems through the use of devices, and adaptations for devices. A way that these problems are being solved is through different assistive devices such as manual signs or communication boards, voice output computer aids, and computers.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Essay --

There are several different definitions of macro environment depending on what aspect we are referring. Macro environment could be defined as anything outside of business such as the economy, technology, and the power of natural and artificial. These factors are often uncontrollable. In Macro environment, many factors will affect the decision-making in any organization. To overcome and analyze these factors organization can categories it in to PESTLE model. The macro-environmental or external factors of KFC can be identified by using PESTLE analysis, which stands for economic, technology, legal and political, social - demographics and natural – environmental a) Economic: Economic factors represent the wider economy; it includes economic growth rates, levels of employment and unemployment, costs of raw materials such meat, petrol, energy, herbs, and steel, interest rates and monetary policies, exchange rates and inflation rates. These may also vary from one country to another. Hence, the economic factor depends on all these factors and upon a country as well. Thus, in a way the influences of economic factor are major and could be said as one of the most profound influences upon any industry. Industries, which depend on selling products, which are not a necessity, but rather depending on luxury, would rarely be able to profit b) Technology: What amount to technology is a question that depends upon two key factors firstly the adaptation capacity of an industry and secondly on availability of recent innovation. If we wish to place it in a vast arena, it involves changes in information and mobile technology, changes in internet and e-commerce or even mobile commerce and it include materials development and new methods of manufa... ...Its basic economy principle that corporations would usually have certain target groups, thus any that takes place within this group would in turn affect the corporation significantly. e) Natural- Environment: This factor usually involves availability of natural Resources and procedures or policy with regards to management of waste and etc. While this factor is not a key issue in all form of business, it plays a major function or role when it comes to mass production industries which lie heavily upon availability of raw materials. A prominent example would be uranium mining; if the area of mining has, ceases in availability of such material then the existence of the mining company would be placed to halt. The remnants of multiple tin mining factories could be seen all over Malaysia, which is due to decreased availability of the raw material.

Three Day Road: Character Development

The two main characters in the novel â€Å"Three Day Road† by Joseph Boyden; Xavier Bird and Elijah Weesageechack, have many key differences that are illustrated throughout the novel. Xavier is reserved and visceral, while Elijah is self-assured and talkative. Xavier was raised by his Aunt Niska for the Majority of his childhood, opposed to how Elijah was raised in Moose Factory by nuns at a residential school. These factors hold an important responsibility on their personalities and the way that they think and make decisions. The three key differences between them that are paramount to the story and the themes of the novel are; firstly their respect for their Oji-Cree culture, secondly their respect and love for human life, and lastly their personalities. The differences in their personalities create positive chemistry back in their homeland of Canada, but when they are sent to Europe to fight in World War One, their relationship is put to the test. An important difference between Elijah and Xavier is the difference in their respect for their Aboriginal culture. Respecting their Oji-Cree culture is paramount to Xavier, while it is much less important to Elijah. An example of Xavier’s close association with his aboriginal culture can be seen through the following quote, â€Å"All of them stare down at me. I look up, sitting cross-legged with one of the horses sprawled beside me, its head on my lap. I look like I’ve been painted red. The smell of blood is heavy. It covers the wooden walls, the floor, the straw upon the floor. Elijah sees that one of my hands rests on the floor with my skinning knife in it. The horse’s neck gapes open along its big artery. (Page 189) This example shows Xavier’s connection to his aboriginal culture because having respect for animals is a major part of the Oji-Cree morals. In this exact scene Elijah was willing to shoot the horses, which shows a lack of respect for the animal, which goes against the morals of his aboriginal heritage. A second key example of how Xavier and Elijah differ when it comes to their aboriginal culture is seen through Elijah’s willingness to assimilate into European culture. In the novel Elijah states, â€Å"â€Å"Jolly good night for a little snooping, eh, Thompson? Elijah says. Thompson shakes his head at the words, and his teeth are white almost to a glow. â€Å"You do a better British accent than a Brit†, he says. † (Page 137) Elijah’s readiness to develop an English accent is in stark contrast to the fact that Xavier refuses to assimilate into the European culture. The third example of how Xavier and Elijah are different in the way they treat their aboriginal heritage is seen when the two of them are on their way to Toronto and they sell their canoe to get some extra money so they can afford new clothes. These new clothes are a necessity because they need to blend into their new environment to a certain extent. The following quote depicts the moment perfectly, â€Å"â€Å"When Elijah strolls out, I laugh. He has chosen a black suit and stiff, high white collar. In the mirror he looks like a preacher. This appeals to Elijah† (Page 142). In the scene, it is obvious that Xavier purchases his clothing out of necessity, while Elijah purchases his new clothes because it is appealing to assimilate into the new Canadian culture they are about to be immersed within. The most important part of the quote is the final sentence, which states, â€Å"This appeals to Elijah†. The fact that it appeals to him proves that he has interest in being assimilated into the Canadian society. Through the example presented it is blatant to see that Xavier has respect for his Oji-Cree culture, while Elijah has a lack of respect for it. A second example of how Elijah and Xavier differ is seen through their different views of brutality and respect towards other people’s lives. Xavier has a lot of respect for humans and their lives and due to this he kills out of necessity. On the other hand, Elijah enjoy killing humans and does it for the sake of sport. A perfect example of how Xavier and Elijah differ in regards to the respect of human lives is seen in the subsequent quote, â€Å"I jump to my feet before I know that I do it and approach Elijah with balled fists. Then I find myself reaching for my knife. But what he said makes me gag and I kneel down and stick my finger down my throat. The contents of my stomach come out in a slimy glob†. Page 310) This example highlights the fact that Xavier isn’t even willing to joke about eating German citizens, while Elijah doesn’t only find it funny he can’t understand why Xavier would take it so incredibly seriously. Elijah’s lack of respect for the people he kills shows a vicious brutality that is not seen in Xavier Bird. A second example of how Xavier and Elijah’s personali ties contrast can be seen through Elijah’s thirst to kill people. Elijah’s obsession over carnage can be highlighted in the following excerpt, â€Å"In the long hours of hunting Elijah tries to understand what is growing on him. He talks to me about this through the nights we spend out in the damp and mud. Mist rises from craters and swirls in the stink. In the end, the answer that comes is simple. Elijah has learned to take pleasure in killing† (Page 283). This quote is an incredible example of Elijah’s brutality because it is not only seen through his actions, but also his thought process. It proves that Elijah is not just killing for necessity he has actually gone mad. This highlights the difference between the two characters because Xavier strictly kills so he can survive through the war. The final exemplar in regards to Brutality and respect for human life can be emphasized by the connection that the two main characters have with their comrades. The following quote accentuates this fact, â€Å"He opens his eyes and looks up at Elijah. Elijah raises the wood in both hands and swings it down hard as he can onto Grey Eyes’ forehead† (Page 340). This exemplar distinctly shows the variance in Elijah’s connection with his comrades in comparison to Xavier relationship with his comrades. Xavier doesn’t have the ability to speak as well as Elijah, but he has a much stronger emotional connection with the people he fights with. When looking at Elijah, it undisguised that he doesn’t have a strong emotional connection with any of his comrades and if there is connection at all it is strictly to use them. Elijah’s closest friend in the war other than Xavier was Grey Eyes and he was willing to kill him so he could get away with the crimes he had committed. In conclusion, Xavier puts his comrades and the people he is fighting against in high regard and has a serious respect for them, while Elijah just wants to eliminate every problem that confronts him; he doesn’t care how he does it. The third and final example between the two characters that has a major effect on the story and the key themes of the novel are their personalities. As stated in the opening paragraph, Xavier is reserved and visceral, while Elijah is self-assured and talkative. Xavier was raised by his Aunt Niska for the Majority of his childhood, opposed to how Elijah was raised in Moose Factory by nuns at a residential school. These differences in upbringing play a distinct role in how the two of them make decisions, and how closely they hold onto their aboriginal culture. It is clear that the chemistry of their friendship works in the setting of the Northern Ontario woods, but it fails to follow through when they fight in World War One. An example of a difference between the two characters is seen in the way that Xavier is much more a quiet character, he doesn’t have much to say because his English isn’t very strong. A subtle yet important example of this is seen in the ensuing quotation, â€Å"†So you’re an Indian, then? † he asks. I nod. â€Å"You’re pretty short for an Indian, ain’t ya? The others laugh. † (Page 23) Xavier’s trouble with the English language is highlighted in the excerpt because all he does is nod. This makes life in Europe incredibly awkward for Xavier. This is in blatant contradistinction to Elijah because he thrives in this type of situation. Elijah’s verbose nature can be examined in the following passage, â€Å"He began talking this way to get the others to laugh, but he likes it now. Makes him feel respectable. He told me there’s a magic in it that protects him. (Page 137) Elijah’s ability to speak English fluently and to adapt the way he talks so that he has an English accent makes him much more popular with their comrades. Elijah’s upbringing has an effect on his appeal for European culture because instead of being brought up in the wilderness he is brought up in a residential school by nuns. Giving him a much different outlook on their culture than Xavier. The final example of how Elijah and Xavier differ in terms of personality is seen best in the following passage, â€Å"â€Å"I wish I could fly like that,† Elijah says to me in Cree. I wish I could fly like that, like a bird,† he repeats, staring up like a little boy. â€Å"Maybe a pilot will take me up sometime. † â€Å"Me, I’m happy to stay on the ground on my belly in the dirt,† I answer. â€Å"Thinking about falling from up there makes me sick†Ã¢â‚¬  (Page 164). This passage highlights the difference between their adventurousness. Elijah’s willingness to go up in a plane can be correlated with his courageousness in battle. Xavier’s contentment with being on the ground can be correlated with his timid nature socially and on the battlefield to a certain extent. This quotation proves that Elijah has a much more adventurous personality than Xavier. In cessation, Elijah and Xavier are incredibly different people with personalities that are nearly opposites and this ends up having an extreme effect on the plot and the themes of the story â€Å"Three Day Road†. In conclusion, the two main characters in the novel â€Å"Three Day Road† by Joseph Boyden; Xavier Bird and Elijah Weesageechack, have many significant differences that are illustrated over the course of the novel. As shown with the supporting points above, Xavier is reserved and visceral, while Elijah is self-assured and talkative. Xavier was raised by his Aunt Niska for the majority of his childhood, opposed to how Elijah was raised in Moose Factory by nuns in a residential school. These factors that affect their personalities have major impacts on the three main differences that lie between them. These differences are, firstly their respect for their Oji-Cree culture, secondly their appreciation and love for human life, and lastly how they carry themselves throughout the novel. The differences between them have a positive influence on their relationship when they are in Canada, but in Europe, these differences end up destroying their friendship.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Marriott Case Hbs

Issue In this assignment, we are asked to compute the WACC of Marriott Corporation and each of the company’s three divisions. Our approach is outlined in the next section. We made a series of assumptions regarding either the available data or the missing information. This has been explained below, in a separate section. Approach We applied the following formulae to calculate the WACC: Our assumptions are explained in the next section. The table below presents the approach for calculations at corporation level and division level according to each of the variables. Marriott’s capital structure comprises debt (fixed and floating) and equity. Marriott CorporationBusiness Lines 1Beta of Debt (?  ¬Ã‚ ¬d)Computed using correlation between S&P500 returns and HG Corp Bonds (recent history is implicitly more weighted), s. d. of the S&P500 and s. d. of the HG Corp Bonds (Exhibit 4)Same 2Risk-Free RateEstimated to be equal to 10y US Gov Interest Rate as of April 1988 (Table B)Same 3Current LeverageUsing financial statements (Exhibit 1), we estimated the market value of debt and divided by market value of assets. Market value of debt is estimated to be equal to its book value. Market value of assets is equal to market value of debt + market value of equity (number of outstanding shares * price per share)N/A 4Market Risk PremiumFrom table of returns (Exhibit 5), taken as the average of spread between rates of return for S&P500 and LT US Gov Bonds, 1926-87Same 5Tax RateEstimated from data in exhibit 1, from ratio between income before tax and net income for year 1987Same 6Beta of Equity (? E), Unlevered ? E Levered can be found in Exhibit 3 for the current debt load. Using the current leverage ratio (Step 3), we calculate the unlevered ? E. Having found unlevered equity betas of comparables from their leverage ratio and levered ? E (Exhibit 3), we averaged the unlevered ? E to get the unlevered ? E for each Marriott division. Restaurants division was mapped on Restaurants comparables, Lodging on Hotels whilst Contract Services was implied from Marriott’s and other two divisions unlevered ? E and their respective share in total assets book value. 7Cost of Equity (RL)We recalculated the new Levered ? E based on target leverage of Marriott (Table A) then, combine the Levered ? E, risk free rate, and MRP to calculated the cost of equity using CAPM relationship. Same, except unlevered beta from previous step was used to calculate levered beta. 8Cost of Debt (RD)See step 7, using Beta DebtSame 9WACCWACC formula accounting for ITS correctionSame, respective target leverage ratios and a ? D equal to Marriott’s ? D were used to estimate WACC. Assumptions †¢Overall Assumptions: Although we assume an ITS, we do not have the data to calculate individual ITS for each division and Marriott. As a result, we assume E*=E (rather than E*=E+ITS) and that the ITS is as risky as debt. We assume debt is perpetual and no growth. Beta of Debt: Although Marriott is one firm, we assume it is fairly comparable to a generic HG Corp, with single A rating. Therefore we performed a linear regression on the rate of returns of HG Corporate Bonds against S&P 500 rate of returns, as a proxy of the market portfolio rate of returns. †¢Risk-free rate: The 10Yr UST is assumed to be the best estimate at company and division level. Ideally, each cash flow shou ld be discounted using a government bond with the same maturity. For this case, the selection of the maturity should one that matches best the entire cash flow stream being valued. Also, 1Yr rate is very volatile and 30Y illiquid and thus there is premium built therein. We have assumed that the rates provided in Table B are for zero-coupon bonds, and USD. †¢Current leverage: Market value of debt is estimated to be equal to its book value. The firm is HG, risk premium for HG bonds is relatively low, and we have no information on coupon level of fixed rate debt. The floating rate debt is likely to trade close to par. For subsequent calculations, we also assumed the average maturity at five years. There is only long-term debt for us to consider. Market risk premium: In the same fashion that we estimate the risk free rate benchmark is 10y UST Bond Interest Rate, so we used the difference of average returns between LT UST Bonds and S&P 500 for the period 1926-87, the longest history available we have. We are aware of the imperfection of using historical rates of return. †¢Average corporate tax rate: We assume that the rate calculated as the average rate ap plied to 1987 is a reasonable proxy for future tax rate. Tax rate is applicable across divisions. †¢Cost of Debt: S&P 500 is also considered to be best proxy available for market portfolio. We also assumed no financial distress, which is reasonable because firm has real assets and overhead cost is 3% of revenue. Competitors and divisions have the same debt beta as Marriott: †¢Beta equity of each division: it has been assumed that the unlevered beta equity of each division is comparable to the average of unlevered beta equity of the comparables identified in the case for each relevant business segment. †¢Weighted average of book value of assets was used to determine the unlevered beta of Contract Division, we assumed this to be a reasonable proxy instead of market value of assets.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Bob Dylan: An Influence for a Generation

â€Å"A person is a success if they get up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between dose what he wants to do† –words spoken by the singer/songwriter Bob Dylan. Being a man of success himself, yet a very humble and simple man, changed the way people view musical quality. Dylan was awarded with the number one song in the twentieth century with those lyrics from his masterpiece Like a Rolling Stone, by Rolling Stone Magazine. His poetic words were heard all across the world, inspiring all who heard his voice. Telling tales of political and civil injustice, Dylan’s words brought normal everyday life a new sense of hope through tough times in a person’s life. Discussed will be the early era of Dylan from his unique musical talents during his childhood which drove him to his writing pieces, himself as an inspirational and motivated leader of the 1960’s and how his powerful music makes him one of the most influential musicians of all time. In the beginning, Bob Dylan was born Robert Allan Zimmerman on May 24th, 1941 in Duluth Minnesota (Heatly, 126). Dylan was raised in a middle-class family to his parents Abraham and Beatrice Zimmerman (Martin). His father owned Zimmerman Furniture & Appliance Company in the small town of Duluth, but the family was forced to move to the nearby town of Hibbing after he lost the business due to him becoming ill with polio in 1946 (Kooper). Dylan was raised in Hibbing, Minnesota from the age of seven and lived there for most of his childhood (Heatly, 126). Raised in a small town, Dylan was musically inclined and had a great significance in music at an incredibly young age which brought him to learn many various instruments at the same time. He took piano lessons when first moving to Hibbing, but became impatient with the teacher so decided to quit lessons and began to teach himself how to play piano, guitar and harmonica; without surprisingly knowing how to read music (Martin). With his yearning for music, Dylan was largely influenced by the late-night radio broadcasts of the country, blues and rock-and-roll, during his mid-teens (Heatly, 126). Some of his favorites were the blues musicians, which included Muddy Waters, Howlin’ Wolf and Jimmy Reed (Martin). Dylan’s favorite musical idol was Woody Guthrie, who was a socially-conscious singer/songwriter of â€Å"This Land is Your Land† and several other protest songs (Heatly, 126). Always knowing he wanted to be a musician, Dylan tried to play in many bands as possible during high school and throughout college as well. In 1959, just before enrolling in college, he served a brief stint playing piano for the rising pop star, Bobby Vee (Kooper). With some musical experience, Dylan participated in several high school rock bands while studying at the University of Minnesota with a high interest of American folk music (Heatly 126). While in college, Dylan discovered the bohemian section of Minneapolis know as Dinkytown (Kooper). An after Dylan explored the talent that came out of Dinkytown; Dylan was inspired to quit the University of Minnesota and became a full-time musician. Dylan traveled to the East Coast, playing at several Greenwich Village coffeehouses and was gaining rising fame (Heatly, 126). He went by the phony name of Bob Dylan, which was picked out after the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas. Dylan picked him because he liked many of Thomas’ poems (Kooper). During his travels between coffeehouses, Dylan was determined to meet up with musician Woody Guthrie. Guthrie, who was actually in a New Jersey hospital dying from a neurological disorder called Huntington’s Chorea. Dylan was able to speak to Guthrie, his idol, before he passed away†¦ but never explained in detail of their only and final conversation between each other (Heatly, 126). With his multiple coffeehouse performances, his career took off and still soars to this day. Bob Dylan became a common name and his skills of music and lyrics became widely known; which make you wonder what was said between him and Guthrie? Bob Dylan is a very skillful songwriter, usually expressing his ideas through his well known protest songs. His protest songs often dealt with problems caused by social and political injustice, which include â€Å"Blowin in the Wind and â€Å"The Times They Are A-Changin† (Martin). The Civil Rights Movement took very kindly to Dylan’s songs, so well that they wanted him to be a part of the cause for quality. His best known work of the 1960’s took on a musical shadow so large it shaped into a political influence. It was such a huge influence, the Civil Rights Movement adopted his song â€Å"Blowin in the wind† as their anthem for equality and peace (Ayoub). Dylan accepted his place in the Civil Rights Movement and gathered the attention of the people to the movement. Frequently performing at the Civil Rights rallies in the early 1960’s which included the March on Washington when Martin Luther King gave his â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech on August 28th 1963 (Rathbone). Dylan became a powerful voice to all the working-class people in America during the 1960’s. He had several protest songs that had political content that both reflected and influenced the concerns of a generation of younger people such as the Civil Rights movement, anti-nuclear weapons campaign and the anti-Vietnam War movement (Rathbone). Dylan was a prominent part of the radical change during the 1960’s reform and was greatly recognized for his participation such as receiving the Tom Paine Award by The National Civil Liberties Committee for his contribution and achievements (Rathbone). All throughout Bob Dylan’s musical career, he has created and molded new types of different styles of music together. His inspiration was to intimidate the music of his own music idol, Woody Guthrie. He wanted to be a socially conscious singer/composer just like Guthrie (Heatly, 126). As the times changed, Dylan became a musical chameleon. He was able to conform to the changes in the popularity in music. Dylan’s career started with folk and protest music in the early 1960’s then moved through to electrified folk-rock in the mid and late 1960’s and early 1970’s (Kamin). After the Civil Rights, most fans found Dylan’s folk music more admiring and significant than anything he had ever wrote; popularity formed by creating the raw-sounding combo of vocals, harmonica and guitar. That mixture alone has kept his music career last him forty-seven years (Rathbone). Dylan did not want to stop there; he wanted to evolve into the new generation of music. Dylan cross-pollinated folk and country music with electric rock, creating an entirely new dimension of popular music (Heatly, 126). He liked to mix sounds and experiment different styles to meet his high expectations of creativity. He created the new style called â€Å"folk-rock† mixing his original folk sound but began to play electric guitar to embrace rock-and-roll (Dylan). Some Dylan fans did not approve of his switch but happened to still remained a musical sensation with a wider audience. Dylan and his band also caused an uproar at the Newport Folk Festival in July of 1965, when they began to perform with electric instruments instead of traditional acoustic ones. After being heckled by the crowd, they left the stage after only playing three songs (Martin). Dylan kept his optimism up with his fan-base and continued to play his electric instruments. To win back his fans, â€Å"Like a Rolling Stone† was a United States hit, cementing his reputation as a lyricist but added his new sound among the electrical instruments of guitars and organs (Ayoub). His musical career had its ups and downs, but his fans rolled through his many experimented musical styles. Dylan’s voice and songwriting were still raw but were mixed with the realms of traditional folk, country, blues, rock-and-roll and gospel (Kamin). A Bob Dylan song is more than just a catchy tune to whistle to. Dylan was possibly the most influential singer/songwriters of his era (Dylan). Not only did he create a respectable musical rhythm, his lyrics were his area of expertise. He wrote very poetic and sometimes even abstract but often-philosophical lyrics of astute commentary and therapeutic introspection that spoke to masses during an era of social unrest, political upheaval and radical change (Heatly 126). Dylan had many techniques to keep his audience engaged with his poetic lyrics, by performing his allusive, poetic songs with his nasal spontaneous vocal style and electrical bond. He enlarged pop music’s range and vocabulary while creating a widely limited sound. While accomplishing all of that, he still had the ability to challenge, influence and surprise his listeners (Wenner). In his earlier lyric writings, he focused on the societal issues during his protest era. The songs were broken down into a simple folk melody combined with lyrics questioning the social and political status quo. These songs were very native and unsophisticated in their nature, catching the attention of the zeitgeist of the 1960’s (Ayoub). All of his music was interpreted differently but he reached an elevated standard of lyric writing also the role of the singer/songwriter as well (Heatly, 126). While a fine interpreter of songs, Dylan was not considered a beautiful singer. Many of his own songs when first reaching the public were sung through other artists. Dylan’s fans could get past his singing, only because they were amazed how he could write such wonderful lyrics. Dylan’s music was also more popular though other artist that covered his songs such as Joan Baez, Pete Paul & Mary, Guns n’ Roses, The Byrds and Jimi Hendrix, because adding an able singer to his wonderful lyrics made his music very popular to a wider group of fans (Ayoub). Dylan was hailed the Shakespeare of his generation, due to his intellectualism of classic literature and poetry that showed though his music; even if he was not the artist performing the song (Kooper). It was subsequently common for a band to cover Dylan’s songs in the mid-1960’s, that CBS started to promote him by saying â€Å"Nobody sings Dylan like Dylan. † Whoever sang his songs were immediately recognized as his and a good part of his fame rested not only on his lyrical excellence but on the underlying attitude of Dylan (Ayoub). Even though many artists covered his songs, Dylan had his own techniques to sing his songs. He sang in what he called the â€Å"taking blues† and story-telling format in most of his first few albums such as â€Å"The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan† and â€Å"The times They Are A-Changin† (Dylan). Dylan had many other trademarks and techniques that signified his music. One of his newer types of songs was a lengthy and impressionistic still retaining an element of social commentary but added dense metaphorical landscape like the songs â€Å"Chimes of Freedom† and â€Å"Mr. Tambourine Man. He exhibited his dry wit and inhabited by a sequence of grotesque, metaphorical character (Ayoub). Dylan’s many styles of lyrics have all contributed to his success as a musician. The music Dylan made revolutionized rock, as his lyrics were analyzed, debated, and quoted like no music before him. Dylan chewed up traditional folk and spat out literary and folk traditions still used today (Wenner). Bob Dylan was given a lot of recognition and praise for his achievements and gain throughout his musical career. There are so many musical facets he discovered and always pushed his musical talent to the limit. Not only had Dylan achieve a high musical status, but he is highly looked upon in society for his contribution for the Civil Rights movement. He gave a voice to the working-class to fight for peace and help give a reason for freedom to the minorities. Dylan’s musical talent is beyond any other, as being able to compose his own music and create a whole new genre of music for an ever-changing society of his time. Along with his musical style, his lyrical masterpieces gave his listeners a mass of different trademarks in his lyrics. Every song he has written, all the way from his first protest song to his upbeat electric songs along with his metaphorical and abstract songs, has changed the standard of a singer/songwriter. All throughout his career, Dylan has given a voice to the working people, by creating new genres of music and is the ideal singer/songwriter of the 1960’s. As the ambiguous man he was, he had more questions than answers. At the end of the day, Bob Dylan would always say â€Å"All I can do is be me, whoever that is. † He knew he was a man of radical change, but he did not know he could change the world with a piece of paper, a pencil and a guitar.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

After researching the incidents of inequality, please answer the following questions for each scenario Essay

Scenario #1: __Marriage Inequality Same-Sex Relationships___ discrimination. 1) Summarize the incident. As more states are recognizing marriage for same sex couples, there is still conflict surround the same-sex unions about marriage equality and religious liberty. Marriage is a of sexual orientation identity enactment, and religious objections arise largely in response to such relationships. This article is on sexual orientation equality, it argues for antidiscrimination regime that will protect same-sex relationships. In this article it also states that same-sex relationships are an expression of identity and religious objections are relating to that identity. There is discrimination against same-sex relationships. Religious organizations as well as employers, property owners, small business and others to discriminate against same-sex couples in situations that are removed from marriage itself that would threaten this antidiscrimination law. They are using a term â€Å"marriage conscience protection† to label instances of discrimination against same sex relationships (Nejaime, (2012). 2) How might this situation affect the victim? Being a victim of any type of discrimination can be emotionally and psychologically painful. It can cause distress, depression, feelings of anxiety which can linger on with them for years. It can affect the psychological and emotional well-being of member of the LBGT community. Those same psychological outcomes can create individuals who are more accepting to their sexuality. 3) How might it affect the offending person or institution? First off it is a human rights violation. There are array of new laws that have been adopted which includes laws banning discrimination against LGBT, penalizing homophobic hate crimes, granting recognition of same-sex relationship (ACLU, (n.d.)). Establishments that chose to discriminate are in violation of some laws. LBGT community can get people to rally with th em and protest against an institution. That will cause for news coverage and possible shut down of business or cause for lawsuit against an institution. 4) How do situations like this affect society as a whole? Situations when dealing with LGBT there can be rejection. Discrimination impacts society as a whole because it is reinforcing prejudice. Many people just fear what may be strange or unknown to them, and their reactions vary with suspicion, violence towards those whoms appearance, behavior or culture is different. Scenario # 2: _Racial harrashment in the military__ discrimination. 1) Summarize the incident. This reading is in regards to the racial discrimination or a bias against black drivers that the CPD uses that as a decision to stop a vehicle. Where the term used by minorities is DWB (driving while black came from. In Cincinnati there is a study that showed that DST (daylight savings time) black drivers were less likely to be stopped. When the shift from daylight to darkness came the racial discrimination of black drivers being stopped. Black drivers were also were less likely to receive a citation than nonblack drivers. Blacks also had longer stops and higher search rates than white drivers.(Ridgeway, 2009) 2) How might this situation affect the victim? I think that for black males even with valid drivers license and no drug paraphernalia this could be a tramatizing event. Making one not to want to driver in Cincinnati after dark because of the fact that they would most likely to be stopped because of the color of their skin. Even the fact that blacks are more sterotyped to be criminals so that is profiling itself that they are up to no good. It has caused troubled community relations. Are not willing to trust the police. 3) How might it affect the offending person or institution? The Cincinnati police department went the scrutiny. To where the department went through training and discipline of officers and still working on troubled community relations. The U.S department of Justice Civil Rights Division of Investigation came in to work with the Cincinnati Police Department to improve the area of law enforcement. The CPD also had internal investigations being carried out. The are making efforts to investigate and eradicate failed because of unclear findings.(Cincinnati Public Library, (n.d.)). 4) How do situations like this affect society as a whole? This affects the community in a whole because with that racial profiling and injustice that went on there where the distrust went so far the opfficers and blacks were being shot at. Racial profiling affects civil rights, and has affect on all people of color. It victimizes the people that they are supposed to be protecting. There is a large mistrust of the police in these communities where there are more likely to be crimes people are not speaking up. References Nejaime, D. (2012). Marriage Inequality: same-Sex Relationships, Religious Exemptions, and The Production of Sexual Orientation Discrimination. California Law Reviews, 100(5), 1169- 1238. Retrieved June 17, 2013 from http://ehis.ebscohost.com.library.gcu.edu:2048/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=50417c39- 0e4d-4cb3-8e06-7ad6068f08a5%40sessionmgr114&vid=4&hid=115 ACLU, (n.d.). â€Å"LBGT Rights† Retrieved June 17, 2013 from http://www.aclu.org/lgbt-rights Ridgeway, Greg. (2009). Cincinnati Police Department Traffic Stops: Applying RAND’s Framework to Analyze Racial Disparities. Santa Monica, CA. RAND Corporation. Pg 3-25. Retrieved June 19, 2013 from http://site.ebrary.com.library.gcu.edu:2048/lib/grandcanyon/docDetail.action?docID=10375778 Cincinnati Public Library (n.d.) Retrieved June 19, 2013 from http://www.cincinnatilibrary.org/features/police.asp

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Getting booked into jail Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Getting booked into jail - Essay Example If the suspect is arrested for, let’s say driving under the influence, breath, urine, or blood test has to be conducted. This process may take some hours before the individual is transferred to be booked in a county jail. The jail system does not have any notice of an individual’s arrest until they are forwarded to the jail for bookings. A communication to the jail in a while after an individual’s arrest may find they still are in the pre-booking processing and not in the jail system yet (Cole 227). Many people are concerned by this kind of delay; the pre-booking stage is routine and necessary. When arrested individuals are brought at the jail facility, go through the intake procedure before being contained in the inmate populace. This process can roughly take from 1 to 6 hours and is involved of the booking process, medical screening and the classification interview (Carlson 47). Instantaneously upon appearance at the jail, the convict is tested for any medical conditions which would need immediate treatment. Another medical questionnaire is done later in the booking procedure to ensure all illnesses that an inmate may be having are properly noted and the facility is able to meet the inmate’s medical requirements. During the booking process every inmate is searched to verify that no contraband is brought into the jail facility. They are fingerprinted and photographed. Their charges and personal information are entered into a computer system, their bail calculated, and a law court date is set. There are inmates who may be eligible to be freed on their own recognizance eighteen hours after booking. Majority of inmates are eligible to be bailed out, and to have access to telephones for bail arrangements through family, friends, or bail agents (Frantz 220). When it is confirmed that inmates are not going to be released on

Monday, August 12, 2019

Fairy Tales Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fairy Tales - Research Paper Example Indeed, in fairy tales, the stepmother is usually mean, deceitful and incapable of loving her stepchildren. In this day and age when divorce, separation and single parenthood make having a stepmother a fact of life, it is a wonder why fairy tale stepmothers are still stereotyped as such. Moreover, because of how common having a stepmother is nowadays, it is curious to know how these evil depictions may influence the relationship of today’s children with their stepmothers. One reason behind the evil stepmother character is history, supposedly. Author Maria Warner writes that fairy tales may be influenced by the happenings in society during the time the stories were written. Death at childbirth was common in earlier times so having a new mother was a usual occurrence. Warner believes that making the stepmother wicked in fairy tales served as a warning for readers during that time and points to real-life tragedies where an offspring is killed so the stepmother’s child can inherit the father’s riches. (Sellers) Another explanation for this depiction comes from Bruno Bettelheim and other critics who have psycho-analyzed fairy tales. According to this group, the portrait of an evil stepmother is actually a projection of the bad side a good mother has. (Tatar) Supposedly, an individual does not feel as guilty hating the bad qualities of one’s mom epitomized by the malevolent stepmother. With this image of a mother’s evilness, â€Å"mom† is able to remain the loving and good-natured parent, always wanting the best for her child. Writer Patricia Watson shares that in Europe during the writing of Hansel and Gretel, peasants abandoned their children because they did not have enough food to feed them (Watson) and thus it was easier to hate a â€Å"stepmom† for this. It is noteworthy, too, how the stepmother is made to be jealous of her stepdaughter’s beauty or good qualities. In Snow White, the Evil Queen who is vain becomes angry when her magic mirror says its famous line: â€Å"Snow White is the fairest of all.† (Grimm) Her anger led her to think of ways on how to get rid of Snow White in her world. Wanting to look pretty and young is not a problem and cannot e viewed as a mistake on the stepmother’s side. Everyone wants to look young and good. What made her evil though is her banishing of Snow White from the castle and trying to kill her. Although having a bad stepmother may be common in this age of divorce and separation, it has not been a regular occurrence for stepmothers to kill their stepdaughter or stepson. In Cinderella, the vain stepmother forces Cinderella to work in her own house, maybe in an attempt to make the pretty stepdaughter dirty-looking and unpleasant. She also makes it hard for Cinderella to attend the Prince’s ball by giving her so many chores and then locking the child up in her room. (Cinderella) In 2007, a self-study about the relationship of a ste pmother and stepdaughter was released to the public. The researchers were members of one family who exemplified one of the most common contemporary family structures – a stepfamily. The researchers discovered that the â€Å"wicked stepmother† title is most times brought about by anger that the biological child cannot express towards the biological mother and by negative stereotypes that the child hears. (Strawn and Knox) This research is important. It